Monday, April 16, 2007

I'M BACK BITCHES. Workout, 4/16/2007

I was going fucking insane. I needed to work! When I work out, it's easier to eat right, it's easier to get up in the morning and I sleep better at night - thank God, because I have been tossing and turning like crazy the last few nights.

I could squat. I could do pushups. I could work out.

3 minutes max squats: 90
3 minutes max pushups: 55
2 minutes max squats: 45
2 minutes max pushups: 20
1 minute max squats: 30
1 minute max pushups: 15

Comments: So my numbers sucked. I fatigued quickly. My form was imperfect. But I did it, and mother fuckers, I feel like a fucking CHAMP. Tomorrow, we'll see - I may be too sore after doing a high rep bodyweight workout (this is my bane when it comes to muscle soreness) after so long off, but I may be up to some kind of work. For now, it's time for a shower and a zone meal.

I'm fucking back, bitches.

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