Sunday, August 16, 2009

Training 8/16/2009

That guy's been ready to go for a while.  I am trying to take good care of tears never heal fast.  Hopefully with enough first aid it won't stick around long enough to sideline me.

4 rounds:
Max set of handstand pushups on dumbbells
Max set of pistols, right leg
Max set of pistols, left leg

This was untimed.  I rested between the handstand pushups and pistols, but not between the right and left leg on the pistols.

HSPU:  3, 2, 3, 3.  Primarily an issue of body position right now.

Pistols (left leg with support): 14 right/12 left,  10 right/12 left, 6 right/6 left, 5 right/6 left.  I surprised myself with the right leg.  My PR was 8 and I haven't practiced in a good 6 months.

4 max L-sits on dumbbells - :21, :20, :18, :15.  Clearly need work.

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 push press (85#)
10 pullups
8+10+1, with 20# vest

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