Wednesday, October 25, 2006


BJJ - We did no gi today. I enjoy it a lot more and am much better at it. I am a lot more successful with my takedowns and with taking the back. I will hopefully be competing in the California Open and/or the On-The-Mat/Grapplers Games on the 18th and 19th of November. Unfortunately I will have to compete in the unlimited class, but such is life. You let yourself get fat, you've gotta deal with the consequences.



3x6 Bulgarian Squat with 50 lb dumbbell - tough, but good. Form was pretty good, though I need to work on doing them without supporting myself on something. Also, I need to eliminate any push from the rear (benched) leg.

Clean and Push Press with two 60 lb dumbbells - a bunch of doubles and a few triples. Form on the cleans was okay - some really good, some really bad, but mostly. The push press weight was a little light, but with enough reps they still hurt. I'd like to be able to do this at a pace where it's a conditioning workout.

Rowing - 3 minutes on, 1.5 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 1 minute off, 1 minute on, 30 seconds off, 30 seconds on. Had to get back in the groove towards the beginning, but by the middle of the first round I was good to go. 103 calories and I think about 1600 meters.


BJJ - Went well. Conditioning is getting better and I feel a little leaner. Knee feels pretty good. I got new gi's at the U.S. Open - they help out mentally. Still need tons of work both on conditioning and technique.

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