Monday, June 02, 2008

Training 5/31/2008 and 6/1/2008 WOD 5/31/2008
10 thrusters, 135#
50 double unders
8 thrusters
40 double unders
6 thrusters
30 double unders
4 thrusters
20 double unders
2 thrusters
10 double unders
As rx'd - 8:02 WOD 6/1/2008
10 cleans, 135#
50 GHD situps
8 cleans
40 GHD situps
6 cleans
30 GHD situps
4 cleans
20 GHD situps
2 cleans
10 GHD situps

Extreme lower back discomfort during GHD situps due to tweak on very last thruster on 5/31. Could have done much better.

Starting 6/3 2008 I will be off the main site WOD, following programming laid out by Coach Russ Greene.

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